Saturday, September 7, 2013


Assalamualaikum and hello folks!!

since  after ramadhan,,there had been cases where girls in my college,,got histeria..well,it is kind of a common thing nowadays,right? :|
for today, it happened to someone who lived near our is the first time though since i came here in peninsular malaysia to have actually experienced such situation . I mean, i did experienced  in helping my juniorwho was actually possesed when i was in form 3.
That time, i did got the creeps out of it. My junior's voice turns to some what a man's voice.and it was way too freaky. Some what experienced,huh? Too bad, i don't have sixth sense though(or am i actually very lucky?)..hehe..

Anyway,,about today's incident..i felt that the girl were just having a normal histeria..honestly,i don't even know what a 'normal histeria' is..haha.i googled about histeria..and found that its definition is the behavior of exhibiting excessive or uncontrollable emotion,,such as fear or panic.

So, i thought about it.this girl may had seen something unnecessary that she can't control her fear..and thus,ending up,histeria.
well,,the wardern came along with ustaz.i didn't join in because there were more than enough people in her room.better off,right?haha..
So,in the end,,the situation is not that bad.still under control..

So,that is all for today guys.don't forget to pray to the one who created us. Allah <3
good night;-)

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